Friday, July 31, 2009

Four Guys Drinking Beer

Yesterday four guys sat down to have a beer together. This was a good thing, since three of them had famously lost their cool in the last week, and this was a way to calm things down. Sgt. James Crowley came out of this looking the best:
“What you had today was two gentlemen who agreed to disagree on a particular issue,” a poised and smooth Sergeant Crowley said in a 15-minute news conference after the session. “We didn’t spend too much time dwelling on the past, and we decided to look forward.”
The NY Times came out of it looking the worst. Kevin Drum says why. The whole transcript is even more horrifying.

1 comment:

Bullied Pulpit said...

I watched the press conference, and holy hell does Sgt Crowley have charisma. That man has a future in something. Rarely have I seen someone so in control of a room at a press conference.