Monday, October 27, 2008

A Morning Pick-Me-Up

Stolen lock, stock, and barrel from Americablog:

Good morning.

8 days.

This will be a wild, wild week. Lots going on up and down the ballot. At the presidential level, there are a couple things to watch for this week: The first is, of course, how much nastier and uglier the attacks emanating from the Republicans get. The second is how rogue Palin gets because it's looking like she's dumped McCain and has started her 2012 campaign for president. Then, there's the growing GOP in-fighting and back-stabbing, which is just too much fun.

8 days til we change the world. Seriously, these elections are going to change the world. It's been eight long, long years. So we all need to do everything we can do between now and November 4th to make sure it happens -- and, to make sure we truly vanquish and crush the Republicans.

8 days.

Let's get it started...

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