Monday, October 13, 2008

Faux News and the Bill Ayers Story

Hilzoy at Obsidian Wings has a remarkable look at one of the "experts" Sean Hannity at Faux News gave air time to in his "documentary" about Obama. You've got to read it.

Here's part of this "expert's" delusion:

I think a community organizer in Barack Obama's case was somebody that was in training for a radical overthrow of the government. You have to really stretch to believe his story that he was living in New York City. He was earning 50,000 to 60,000 a year. And he left this to come to Chicago, to a city where he knew no one, to suddenly start, quote, "organizing," unquote, people.

In my opinion, Barack Obama had already been influenced by his radical ideology and philosophy, probably had met William Ayers in New York and was coming here to lay the foundations for what he thought would be some sort of a political movement that he would be a part of.

My view is that the community organizing was actually kind of sham event that really Bill Ayers was testing him. Because the way these radicals work, they don't give you a big project until you pass muster with a small project. And so they sent him out to Chicago to see what he would do. He passed the test.

Is this what McCain is suggesting when he asks, as he has at his rallies, "Who is the REAL Barack Obama?" It certainly is. If you doubt that, take a look at this McCain video:

He's John McCain, and he approved that message.

If you just can't spare the time to read the whole Hilzoy story, at least read this part of a court filing made by the same Faux "expert":

6. While plaintiff was absent from his property, this property was seized by the defendant Jews.

7. Substantially all of the "bankruptcy judges" who have had connection with plaintiff's property have been Jews.

8. All of the trustees appointed by said judges have been Jews.

9. All of the counsel for said trustees have been Jews.

10. The Jews speak and intrigue among themselves, but refuse to talk with plaintiff, except when they have him in chains Messiah-style.

11. Defendant Lavien has flatly asserted it is permissible for him to meet in secret with Jewish lawyers to determine how to loot plaintiff's property.

12. Substantially the entire bankruptcy court system in the entire United States is manipulated and controlled by Jewish judges and Jewish lawyers.

13. Although Jews constitute about 3% of the national population, they constitute almost 100% of the bankruptcy court judges and lawyers.

14. In almost 100% of the cases filed in Connecticut, Jewish bankruptcy judges appoint Jewish bankruptcy trustees who choose Jewish lawyers to represent them.

15. The court may take judicial notice of the fact--exemplified in this case--that Jews, historically and in daily living, acted through clans and in wolf pack syndrome to exclude all goyim from their circles.

16. Whatever they may say publically, in private Jews hate Christians, and have paranoid delusions about themselves and Christians. Jews think of themselves as a master race, or "chosen people," and hate Christians for worshiping a man whom Jews assassinated and regard as a poseur.

Something has to be done about Faux News.

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