There's a fascinating juxtaposition of stories in the Washington Post today. The first one, here, describes how voters in Findlay, Ohio, distrust Obama. To them:
Barack Obama, born in Africa, is a possibly gay Muslim racist who refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
It's bunk, but it's very effective for getting people to vote for McCain -- probably the most effective tool McCain has.
But McCain could never openly use it, of course. Even the Washington press corps, who think he's the coolest thing they've ever seen, and have given him a bye on one thing after another, would realize that's over the top. So how do you encourage people to think Obama is a gay Muslim racist without actually saying he is?
Here's how!
Sen. John McCain's allies have seized on a new and aggressive line of attack against Sen. Barack Obama, casting the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee as an opportunistic and self-obsessed politician who will do and say anything to get elected. McCain typically leaves the sharpened criticism to others, in the hope of being able to claim the high ground of conducting a "respectful" campaign.
Obama will do and say anything to get elected. He's not what he says he is. Don't trust him.