Friday, June 13, 2008

Blind Men Describing an Elephant

Well, a donkey, actually. But you'll see what I mean.

My friend, Dave Lewis, sent me this article from The New Republic. It has the twin virtues of being interesting and short!

The article is about how Obama is attracting many of the late "conservative movement's" enablers to his side. "... those of us on the right who pay attention to think tanks, blogs, and little magazines have watched Obama compile a coterie drawn from the movement's most stalwart and impressive thinkers." (Tee-hee!) I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh at this guy's self-importance, which has been a hallmark of "the movement" since its inception. Anyway, he says it's a group that will no doubt grow even larger in the coming months. They manage to see hints of the same "values" in this guy, who the National Journal called the most liberal Senator in 2007.

My favorite passages:
"His goal is not more government so that we can all be caught up in some giant, expressive exercise of collectively enforcing our collective will on all the other people standing around us in the collective; his goal is improving transparency and minimizing government intrusion while rectifying specific outcomes."

Yeah, like providing health insurance. Uh, guys, that makes him a liberal. All that business about collectivism is just cant.

[Conservative "impressive thinker" Larry Hunter] views the Republican Party as a "dead, rotting carcass with a few decrepit old leaders stumbling around like zombies in a horror version of Weekend at Bernie's, handcuffed to a corpse."

Well, change "Republican Party" to "Conservative Movement" and you've got it spot on!

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