Thursday, November 03, 2011

"Distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee ..."

Paul Krugman today offers a public service announcement that should be required reading for all journalists and journalism classes:
Look, let me make a public service announcement: if you rely on bought and paid for sources on income inequality, you’re going to embarrass yourself again and again. These people never get it right, because their whole reason for being is to obfuscate. You should never, ever, trust what they say on this issue. [My emphasis.]
Krugman appears to be limiting his warning to "sources on income inequality," but let me tell you: that's a phrase that could be easily replaced by one word: anything.

He's talking here about the Tax Foundation, but the rule applies to The Hudson Institution, The American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, and the Heritage Foundation. Although they like to call themselves "scholars" and "fellows," no real scholar would have anything to do with them. Not because of their views, but because of their predetermined results. They are propagandists; no more, no less.

I talked about this briefly here (and offer it as evidence of my last statement), beating Krugman by nearly 2 years. I have made sure the Committee has my phone number.

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