Thursday, June 05, 2008

News from Obamaland

My sister-in-law, Laura, just mentioned, in an "Oh, by the way" kind of way, that she is friends with Susan Axelrod, wife of David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist. Laura got a call from Susan, and ... well, let Laura describe it:

Yesterday my friend Susan Axelrod called me ... and told me she was coming here on the "campaign plane" and was going to put my name on the VIP list to get into the rally. I met her at the [St. Paul] convention center and we got to sit in one of the back rooms with the Obamas and about 10 other people.

She goes on to say,

The attached picture shows them watching Hillary's speech before O. went out to give his speech.
The other picture shows him signing books after the speech.

This was a pretty spectacular time to be in the same room as Obama. Hillary was giving her non-concession speech. It's not fair! Laura doesn't even have a blog!

Laura didn't mention, but a well-placed nonagenarian has confirmed to this reporter, that Susan spent the night at the Miller home.

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