Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An Expert is Anybody Who Agrees with ME!

Guess who the Wall Street Journal considers an expert in health care policy!

Here's a hint for those old enough to remember:

Don't miss the "Corrections and Amplifications" at the end of the article.

Har, har, har! Har, har, har!

I'd say that about does it for the WSJ, now to be called the Wall Street Fox News. [Or is it the Wall Street Onion?]

Rupert Murdoch, take your bow.

1 comment:

Bob Miller said...

Emily writes:

I'm so sick of these stupid comments about the Canadian healthcare system with no facts to back them up!

The Globe and Mail says that the number of doctors has increased by 4% & 9% the last two years. And they are earning more than ever before.


OK, this isn't exactly apples-to-apples, but it doesn't seem that Canadian doctors are poor compared to US doctors.


According to the World Bank, in 2010 Canada had 2.1 doctors/1,000 people and the US had 2.4 doctors/1,000 people. Both countries have a shortage of doctors in rural areas.


The average for OECD countries is 3.1 doctors/1,000 people.


Average salary for a Canadian doctor - 328K, for a Canadian vet - 70K. Average US vet makes 83K. Assuming that in Canada as in the US, vet school tuition is nearly as much as med school, it doesn't seem likely that the best and brightest are flocking to vet school for the money.


And Canadians are apparently coming to the US for medical care FOR THEIR PETS!


And everyone seems to forget, in addition to our huge private costs for healthcare, the public expenditure for healthcare in the US is also huge. Exceeded only by Norway and Luxembourg.


I'm not even going to address the "unable to eat or drink for 2 weeks" but didn't die of dehydration or the 75 year-old with an undisclosed diagnosis that only received palliative care.