Saturday, September 01, 2012

Clint Eastwood

A good friend wrote to ask what I thought of the Clint Eastwood fiasco at the Republican National Convention.

Well, I really LIKE Clint Eastwood, in spite of his political leanings. He is a fine director and there are worst actors. I was embarrassed for him.

But I am pleased as punch that when the national networks finally tuned in to the RNC Thursday night, to cover Romney's speech, everyone got to see Clint's performance first. From a Romney Campaign pespective, it was a disaster. So that's good.

Jon Stewart has the best coverage, as usual:

Via Crooks and Liars.


Dave Lewis said...

I am afraid Eastwood's performance may have helped Romney. Since Clint had his chat with a chair no one has been talking about Paul Ryan's speech full of lies.

Bob Miller said...

Nothing takes your mind off an old train wreck like a new train wreck, I guess.