Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's Demand an Apology of Our Own

Andrew Tobias was reading my mind today, and saved me a lot of writing.

They want an apology for using the word lipstick? How about an apology for what they’ve done to this country these last eight years? They’ve cut the value of the dollar nearly in half. They’ve borrowed $4 trillion from our kids to give tax cuts to billionaires. They’ve sent thousands of our kids to die invading the wrong country. They’ve diminished our standing in the world. They’ve done nothing on health care. They’ve held back stem cell research. They’ve fought against worker protections and against benefits for returning veterans. They’ve installed corporate lobbyists as regulators. (Their Interior Department, we learned on last night’s news, was literally in bed with the oil industry.) They’ve dug us into a deep, deep hole. And they want an apology? The only thing more ridiculous than their wanting an apology from us is their wanting four more years.

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