Friday, July 15, 2011

Good-bye Incandescent Bulbs?

Have you been hoarding incandescent light bulbs in preparation for their disappearance from store shelves next year? I've been hearing about the ban for years.

Even Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal has an article today which authoritatively states:
The light bulb ban was part of the 2007 energy bill. It will outlaw the sale of traditional 100 watt bulbs starting in 2012. Many Americans dislike the new fluorescent bulbs, which give off less heat and are more energy efficient, because they don't like the quality of the lighting.
You've probably heard about the ban on incandescent bulbs, too. God knows, the Tea Party crowd has their undies in a bundle about it.

Only problem for them is: it's not true. Quelle surprise! Imagine a Tea Partier getting hysterical over something that isn't true!

Kevin Drum has the story.


East Coast Ted said...

Amazing! I must not have been paying attention, because I haven't seen this pointed out anywhere else.

Reamus said...

100 Watt have been illegal for sale in CA for a year...nothing to see here but the idiots so we may as well move along

Chip said...

You Michelle Bachman wasn't telling the truth? Now I'm really disillusioned.