Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Breath-holding Time

Looking for an image to illustrate this post on Michele Bachmann, I searched Google Images for "crazy". And sure enough, up popped an image of Michele Bachmann! (I am not kidding you! Try it yourself!) But the image included scatological terminology, and since we're a high-class blog we had to leave it alone. So here's a picture of crazy without the scatology:

Today Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, of the 6th Minnesota Congressional District (they must be so proud!), is planning an anti-health reform rally of Tea Baggers at the Capitol Building, after which she will lead them into the hallowed halls of Congress to confront Congressmen and Senators who might be intimidated into voting against health reform. Does this sound like a recipe for disaster? The woman is a loon.

1 comment:

Bullied Pulpit said...

She certainly is a wingnut, and there seems to be some craziness happening on the Hill as a result of her tea-party... thing.

The Democrat who challenged her last election has dropped out of the running for 2010. Maureen Reed has raised a good amount of money, and seems like a legit candidate to unseat Bachmann.

On the other hand... how much cash do you think the DCCC and DNC raise every time she does something crazy? It's not all bad having someone like her in Congress.