Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Not 100% Bad

Atrios, at Eschaton:
One weird thing about our press is that lies about personal stuff, and things which are likely just inadvertent slips, can cause Great Outrage among the assembled Villagers [the Washington press corps], while sustained and repeated lies about policy are just laundered and retransmitted.
It has something to do with that attention span thing (see previous post). Thinking about policy issues is hard. Who wants to do that? And if you call Newt Gingrich a liar, he won't talk to you again! Then how would you do your job!?!

On the other hand, the NY Times has a good piece this morning: False "Death Panel" Rumor Has Familiar Roots. It's not news, really, but it's starting to get at the real story behind the wingnut outrage.

I might have lost some money if anybody had taken me up on my challenge.

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